The Bullhorn is an entirely student-run newspaper that aims to equitably give a voice to students who might not otherwise be able to express their opinions. We want to cover systemic problems but also how those problems manifest in our day-to-day lives. Ultimately, we want to connect public school students across Philadelphia, creating a district-wide identity that mobilizes and positions students to leverage the powers controlling the district.
Philadelphia HS for Girls | Senior | She/They
Hey! I'm Rowan, and I'm super excited to introduce myself as the newest president of The Bullhorn. The opportunity to help lead this incredible group of talented and engaged young people in Philadelphia is a dream come true for me!
A little about me: I joined Bullhorn sophomore as a journalist and fell head first for the opportunities I could have, and the connections I've gained from the people across the organization. Writing has been my passion for as long as I can remember, and combining that with my general love for knowledge and current media, can make sense as to why I love journalism so much!
I am a city-wide leader in Philadelphia Student Union, and since doing it full time for the pas year, I've had the pleasure of doing some incredible civic, youth-centered work! In the halls of Girls' High, you can will likely find me in a Media or Civics or Debate club meeting. Or, more common, being (annoyingly) silly around my favorite teachers and exploring the hidden-since-1921 hallways (shhh). Outside of that, I am probably shuffle-playing my Liked Songs on Spotify, doing some reading or watching niche hour long video essays on YouTube. My all-time favorite is "Twilight is a Psychological Thriller, Not a Love Story" by Shanspeare if you were wondering (the title speaks for itself).
Science Leadership Academy Center City I Senior I She/her
Hi! My name is Nora, and I am a co-editor-in-chief for the Bullhorn News! I joined Bullhorn as a journalist in order to apply my love for writing. Journalism has become a huge passion of mine! I have been able to gain a deeper understanding of Philadelphia and become involved in other journalistic youth spaces such as Write4change, an online community for youth writing for change, and PA Youth Vote, a coalition that helps engage youth in civic education!
At SLA, I am involved in projects, clubs, events and activities that foreground underrepresented student identities, focus on issues that impact students, and are oriented towards community building. In my free time, I love to sing karaoke with my friends or spend time with my family and my two cats. I also love walking around the city and going to chinatown for some delicious food!
I hope to help other students expand their interests and find passion in media through Bullhorn!
Masterman I Senior I She/her
Hi! My name is Ana Sorrentino and I am a sophomore at Masterman. I'm a co-editor-in-chief for the Bullhorn and joined because I love learning and writing about important topics and events, especially surrounding Philadelphia! I love the idea of different schools coming together to educate and write about issues they care about!
At school I'm part of the Debate and World Affairs team, I also play for the Tennis team and Ultimate Frisbee team. In my free time I love to hang out with friends, listen to music, and go shopping.
Masterman | Senior | She/Her
Four joys have always remained consistent in my life: writing, filmmaking, music, and exploration. I thrive in any environment where I can combine these interests—which is why I decided to join the Bullhorn Film Innovation Team.
I think film is one of the most important vehicles of discussion. When combined with journalism, film helps people learn more about different communities, local news, and issues important to them. When I was younger, I used to make videos with my brother and best friend in different parts around the city, or on the way to school. We filmed a news broadcast called 6ABCNBC news, and since then I’ve been in love with journalism and creative film.
I also like to write —whether it be poetry, fiction, or narrative writing. I also enjoy reading, and at some point in my life I want to publish a book. At my school, I participate in Ethics Bowl, Voices (our school newsletter), African American Cultural Committee, and Yearbook (as of this year). If I’m not doing those things I’m either playing soccer—which I’ve been playing for most of my life— watching America’s Next Top model, or playing the Sims.
I’m still not sure what I want to pursue in the future, although I do have some vague ideas. A career field in political science interests me, but I also want to do something related to creative filmmaking and writing, if I can. My biggest aspiration is to make something that moves and inspires people, even beyond my lifetime.
Ben Franklin High School l Senior l She/her
Hello, beautiful people! I'm Kiara, a member of the Bullhorns newsletter as a Spanish translator. I'm very thankful and excited for having the opportunity to translate articles for the Spanish-speaking community.
Writing for me has been expressing myself and journaling how I perceive the world as having wonder and being aware of what is going on and its essence to be informed, as the reason I joined the Bullhorns was as a writer to give power through articles a source that brings attention to untold stories that need to be heard to have an impact for society.
I love reading books; my favorite book is The Song of Achilles by Madeleine Miller, and my current book that I'm reading is Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. If I'm not reading, I love doing poetry.
Masterman High School l Junior l She/her
Hey hey! My name is Joyce, I'm in 11th grade, and this is my first year at Bullhorn as a translator! I am so happy to be a part of such an amazing team of people! I've always believed that words can have a lot of impact, and that everyone deserves access to information. My position allows me to reach and inform the Spanish-speaking community on various topics, I hope to make an impact in that way.
I am also active in my school community as the leader of two clubs, a member of the badminton team, and am currently organizing a coat drive for the Bethesda Project with my friends this winter season!
Other than that and writing, I love surrounding myself with the people I love. Some of my hobbies include random hangouts, any form of exercise, listening to music, reading, going to concerts, and enjoying a good cup of coffee!
Academy at Palumbo l Junior l She/her
Hi! I’m Una, a Junior at Academy at Palumbo High School. I’m super excited to be Newsletter Director of the Bullhorn because journalism and news has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. While I love to write, I have a particular interest in understanding how publications operate as a whole and being able to assist in putting the final product together.
Most of my hobbies involve reading and organizing, whether it is competing for my debate team, editing for my school’s newspaper, or registering students to vote. When I’m not doing those things, I love to spend time hanging out with friends, going to concerts, and taking pictures on my camera :)
Science Leadership Academy l Junior l She/her
I joined Bullhorn for my love of media, analyzing the effects of media, and how representation matters! I think it's so important to hear the voices of youth, especially considering the times we're in. I participate in other writing programs like Write4Change and YCER; two places I've loved to be able to share my writing and express my understanding of the world. I've loved getting started as a journalist this year. Outside of bullhorn, I am a social butterfly and love to spend time with my best friends, or make new friends! I love Beabadoobee, reading tarot cards, & banana splits!
The Philadelphia HS For Girls | Junior | they/he/she
Hi! I'm Hiyan (some call me Zahiya). I'm so excited to be back with The Bullhorn for another year! I fell in love with journalism after a freshman year program, and since then, I've done more programs and networking and been published several times, both with The Bullhorn and professionally. I've always loved Writing, Reading, Art, and Learning for as long as I can remember from poetry to story writing to essay writing and journalism has opened a new world for me.
Outside of The Bullhorn, you’ll find me reading, creating art, singing, dancing, or listening to music. I’m also a bookworm, anime fan, K-pop stan, and Potterhead. I love expressing myself through alternative fashion as a genderfluid person. Oh, and I'm publishing my first poetry book while running my YouTube channel!
At school, I’m class president for 3 years running, book club president, and involved in clubs like the Queer Student Union, Dance Club, Anime Club, Poetry Club, and Crochet & Sewing Club. I’ve also done a lot of community service and worked with organizations like PAYouthVote, North 5th Street, Youth Cast Media Group, the UrbEd, Inc. Fellowship, LavLab, and the Philadelphia Ballet. Thanks for reading my stories—I'm happy to be part of this amazing team!
Science Leadership Academy I Sophomore I He/him
I joined Bullhorn to write more about current events and explore the world of journalism, as well as advance the student voice in media. I go to Science Leadership Academy in center city. I’m an avid rock climber, cyclist and ultimate frisbee player. I love to spend my free time outside, listening to music, or doing some other physical activity. I also like to play piano, write poetry, and play chess (online or at clubs). If I’m not doing any of those activities I’m probably eating.
The High School for Creative and Performing Arts l Junior l She/her
I've had a passion for creating stories from a young age. Playing with dolls, writing short poems, and journaling were some of my favorite hobbies. As I've grown up into my teenage self, I now adore writing journalistic articles, creative non-fiction, and memoirs. Listening to music while creating my own stories is something I will cherish forever.
Germantown Friends School | Junior | she/her
Hi! My name's Reem and I'm a current junior at Germantown Friends School. I got into journalism my freshman year of high school when I signed up for an Introduction to Journalism class, and I've fallen in love with it ever since! I write for my school's publication, Earthquake! but I particularly enjoy the artistic and journalistic freedom the Bullhorn gives me. Where else could I write about how spread through students' computer screens like the plague, or read about how Taylor Swift took the world by storm (again)? As a journalist, I usually gravitate towards light-hearted pop-culture articles that are sure to leave a smile on your face, though I also do dabble in more serious topics depending on their urgency and my interests in them. However, I particularly enjoy highlighting otherwise unnoticed figures throughout Philadelphia, showcasing their point of views, and appreciating their impact on our communities. When I'm not writing articles in my free time, I am going on runs and racing with my school's XC team or volunteering at a variety of non-profit organizations throughout the city!
The Philadelphia HS for Girls | Junior | She/her
HELLO, I’m Timmie! I joined Bullhorn because I love to yap! I’m a storyteller with a dream of becoming something (still figuring that out!), and I want to make a meaningful impact on people's lives.
Joining Bullhorn felt like a natural step. It’s a platform where I can share articles that are either regular degular or truly resonate with people. High school has taught me that if you want to achieve anything, mastering writing is key (I mean, literally, just look at all those emails!).
When I’m not buried in books or juggling my 250 clubs, you’ll find me at the gym trying to buff up because, hey, I live in America!
I refuse to pass up opportunities to try new things. If I can do it, why not? You literally only live once...
Conestoga High School l Freshman l She/her
I joined Bullhorn to get the experience of working in a student run newspaper and explore the field of journalism. This is my first year as a part of the team and I am a journalist. Apart from this, I swim on the UMLY team and enjoy reading and doing art. Some of my hobbies are volunteering at the Devon Horse Show with my friends and watching crime/mystery shows with my family.
Central High School l Senior l She/her
I joined Bullhorn to help bring awareness to issues in Philadelphia. I’ll be one of the graphic designers who will create the posts and make digital designs for posters, flyers, and stickers. In my personal life, my hobbies consist of dancing, participating in activism, talking to friends, and watching youtube!
Masterman | Junior | She/Her
I love trying new things, which is exactly the reason I joined Bullhorn. Some of my hobbies are baking, drawing & I love watching the beta squad on youtube.
Science Leadership Academy I Junior I She/her
Hi! I'm Dylan, and I'm a junior at SLA CC. This is my first year on the Bullhorn, and I can't wait to work with this team! I've always been incredibly interested in current affairs and I love to keep myself educated on what's going on around the world. I joined Bullhorn because I love that we focus on spotlighting young voices and I'm super excited to use photography to help amplify the passions of the people on this newspaper! In my free time I love scrolling on Pinterest, going to every concert possible, spending all my free time with my friends, and taking photos around the city. I also play on my school's softball team, and I'm the captain of SLA's debate team! I'm so excited for a great first year. :)
Philadelphia HS for Girls | Junior | She/Her
Hii, I’m Aulona. I am a current editor for BuIlhorn and a junior at Philadelphia High School For Girls. I joined the Bullhorn because I find that news is such an important form of communication that a lot of students need for guidance during their most important years. Plus, joining the Bullhorn allows for me to explore my interests of journalism and writing in a fun and unique way. Besides journalism, my two other interests include baking and reading. I have an insane sweet tooth and my favorite genre of books is fantasy. In addition to these casual activities, I also play soccer during the fall.
Germantown Friends School I Senior I She/her
Hi! I’m Nina Braum-Bharti, and I’m an editor for the Bullhorn News. I think the Bullhorn News is an amazing way for students to advocate for issues important to them and to share their passions. I’m a senior at Germantown Friends School and my love for journalism has really grown throughout high school. In my free time, I love to sing a cappella and cook for my family and friends. I’m so excited to be part of the Bullhorn News for a second year and I hope to meet many new people interested in all aspects of journalism!!
21st Century Cyber Charter School l Junior l Any pronouns
I am a queer Chinese-Cambodian person born and raised in Philly. I use any pronouns and am disabled. I currently am one of the co-hosts in charge of the podcast run by the Bullhorn News. I am passionate about social issues like disability and LGBT rights. When I’m not stressing about homework and reading webcomics, you can find me writing, watching Asian shows, and dancing to music.