Philadelphia's Very Own Fresh Pair of Eyes
English teachers always tell you: take a step back, take a deep breath, and then proofread your paper. Some recommend having someone else read it all together—maybe a peer, classmate, or a teacher. “A fresh pair of eyes” they call it. Sometimes you get so consumed with your work that you become desensitized to its problems and forget its strengths. Living in Philadelphia for years, if not decades, many Philadelphians experience the same phenomena. For some, being so engulfed in the city and its culture has made them blind to some of the systemic issues apparent in their everyday lives. For others, it’s made them unaware of all the assets our city has to offer, only focusing on the city’s flaws and imperfections. Sometimes we just need “a fresh pair of eyes” to help us take a step back and see the city in a new light.