Rory Gonzales

Temple students celebrating the Eagles advancement to the Superbowl | Source: Temple Now, Betsy Manning

Temple Students and Superbowl Sunday

On the day of the Super Bowl, a block party of Temple students swarmed Artlington street, destroying Richard Pierce's car, as well as many others. Many students and residents are outraged as Temple students have gone onto social media to speak out against their peers actions, and to hold Temple accountable for their inability to respond and support students during these times.  

Dr. Watlington 主持的倾听和了解会议 |资料来源:费城学区 100 天计划


2023 年春季,Watlington 博士计划推出一项 5 年战略计划。为了制定这个计划,他组建了由地区行政人员、学生和教师组成的咨询小组。在一个名为“Critical Friends”的特定咨询小组中,与会者就过渡计划及其对费城学校的益处分享了非常复杂的意见和批评。

Listening And Learning Session Hosted by Dr. Watlington | Source: School District of Philadelphia 100 Day Plan

Philly Responds to a New School District Proposal

In the Spring of 2023, Dr. Watlington plans on introducing a 5-Year Strategic Plan. In order to develop this plan he has held advisory groups consisting of district administrators and students and teachers. In one particular advisory group called "Critical Friends," attendants shared very mixed opinions and criticisms on the transition plan, and how beneficial it will be to Philly's schools.  

Zip Code map used for School District Application Process | Produced by Rory Gonzales

A Freshman Perspective on a New Student Selection Process

The new application process in the Philadelphia School District abruptly changed admission for all incoming high schoolers last year. This sudden change deeply affected the results of admission into top Philadelphia magnet schools. Through intervewing and polling current freshman we found that students were able to fit in and find their place in schools despite thoughts and critiscms.

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